
Report Form 

CourseAuthorForm    Example
Course RegistrationStudents and Major Advisory ProfessorForm2 
Research PlanStudents and Major Advisory ProfessorForm3 

Trips overseas 

Report of the students’ trip overseas (Departure)In case of a trip abroad of Japanese students submit the following document please
*If the period of travel is longer than 3 months, please submit a description of the reason for the travel and the research situation.
Notification of temporal trip overseas(Return/Trip)In case of a temporal trip abroad of foreign students submit the following document please
*If the period of travel is longer than 3 months, please submit a description of the reason for the travel and the research situation.
Report of the Students’ trip overseas (return)In case of traveling abroad for more than 1 month, please submit the following document after your return.
Application form of the travel insurance In case of traveling abroad for research or lectures, student can be covered by travel insurance for free. Please submit the application form 1 month before your departure.


Issuance of CertificatesPlease submit the following documents when you request the certificates below: Certificate of School attendance ・
Certificate of Research EnrollmentCertificate of Joint Seminar Certificate of Expected Completion (After the beginning of the academic year) Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Academic Record (It is necessary to attached the report of the Research Conditions at the beginning of the academic year)Certificate of the Degree Acquisition Certificate of Government-financed foreign students (Japanese-English) Others 
Issuance of the Certificate of Expected CompletionPlease submit the following in case the [certificate of expected completion]is necessary. 

Absence from University/Withdrawal from the University/Reenrollment in the University.

 Application for Temporal Absence from University
 Application for Withdrawal from the University
 Application for Re-enrollment in the University
 Confirmation Form of Re-enrollment in the University
If you need to an application for temporal absence from university or an application for withdrawal from the university, please contact the UGAS office.
After the student personally sign the document together with the consent of the guarantor or main supervisor, please bring to the UGAS Office.
If you plan to apply, please contact the UGAS Office in advance.
※ The UGAS students only can be used these form.

Students’ certificate

Application for reissuing of the students’ certificatePlease submit this document in case of requesting the reissuing of the students’ certificates.
Application for the renewal of the certificatePlease submit this document in case of requesting the renewal of the Student’s Certificate expiration.
*For long-term course students, there is no fee for the renewal of the Student’s Certificate as long as you are in period for long-term registration.

Article 14 

 [Document of Supervising Plan] Article 14 system To be submitted during the admission process. Form for the Supervisors to fill.

System long-term registration.

System of long-term completionThis is the system to finish your curriculum in a certain period for when you may not finish yours in the study period. In case of New Completion application, please submit both (1) and (2). In case of Change application, please submit both (2) and (3). If you want to apply, please contact the office in advance.
(1) Completion application form of the long-term educational program (Application to the president of the University) After filling out this form, please submit it included the guarantor’s sign and the main supervisor’s opinion.
(2) Document for the Research Supervising Plan of the Long-term Course System (application to UGAS Dean)Please submit the document written by your supervisor.
(3)Change application form of the long-term educational program (Application to the president of the University) After filling out this form, please submit it included the guarantor’s sign and the main supervisor’s opinion.
Regarding Completion application and Change application.Please submit all requested documents by Friday, February 28, 5 p.m.


Report the change of addressIf you changed your address or your phonenumber, please submit this form.