
HOMEEventInternational ExchangeUGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #8

UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #8


Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series.

The 8th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us.


Date & Time:

November 24, Wednesday, starting at 5:00pm (JST)


Speakers and Titles:

Prof. Masatoshi Matsuzaki(松崎 正敏)(UGAS-Hirosaki University)
Improvement of livestock performance by nutritional manipulation in
early life

Dr. Ruojun Mu(穆若郡)(College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and
Forestry University)
Hydrogel tribology – A bioinspired polymer-filled macroporous hydrogel
for low friction





Language: English


Webinar: Zoom


How to sign up: Please sign up from following site by 1:00pm, November 22. We will inform you the URL for the Zoom Meeting.
