UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #1
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series.
The first seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us.
Date & Time: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 starting at 5:00pm (JST)
Speakers and Titles:
Ryuji Ishikawa, Hirosaki University
Variation in rice: How it is attractive as crop
Qiang Zhu, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Development of gene manipulation tools for Ma bamboo genetic improvement
Language: English
Webinar: Zoom
How to sign up: Please sign up from following site by 5:00pm, April 26. We will inform you the URL for the Zoom Meeting.