
HOMENewsUGAS Plus is here for you

UGAS Plus is here for you


To Iwate UGAS students,
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University provides a warm, supportive learning environment that encourages you to engage with a community of faculty, staff and students who all are eager to play a role in helping you to achieve your educational goals, on campus and online by connecting 3 constituent universities. Although you may be studying independently, but at Iwate UGAS you’re never alone. We are always here and have the support systems to help you to succeed and overcome your hurdles.
We know that all of you are trying hard in your respective field of study, doing research and developing new ways to serve the community in future. Your supervisors are always there to help you. However, sometime you may want to share your worries, problems, inquiry or maybe even your ideas with someone else. That’s why UGAS-Plus is here for you. We will try to provide direction and support for you to overcome any situation you are facing during your PhD. studies. We can assist you in clarifying your dilemma and help you avoiding unnecessary stress. Hence, please feel free to write us via email. Please be assured that anything you share with us will be kept strictly a secret.
We understand that currently your research activities are held up or even postponed under the emergency with the new coronavirus to some extent. We believe that it is possible for us to overcome this hard time with our continuous efforts and strength.

Please drop us a line anytime you feel like at ugasplus● We look forward to hearing from you.
Please replace ● with @ for the email address before sending.