Specialty : Bioproduction Science

HOMEIntroduction to our professorsSpecialty : Bioproduction Science

Division : Plant Production

List of Professors Qualified as Major Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Agr.ISHIKAWA, Ryuji(H)Plant Genetics and BreedingFunctional genomics of rice genes
Dr.Agr.ITO, Daiyu(H)PomologyOrchard meteorological ecology and fruit tree cultivation technology
Dr.Agr.KANG,Dong-Jin(H)Crop ScienceMorphological and physiological studies for tolerance mechanisms in crops under environmental stressful conditions
Dr.Agr.SENDA, Mineo(H)Plant Molecular GeneticsMolecular suppressive mechanism of seed pigmentation in yellow soybean
Dr.Agr.TANAKA, Katsunori (H)Plant Genetics & breedingPlant breeding and phylogenetics in melon and rice
Dr.Agr.MAEDA, Tomoo(H)Vegetable Crop ScienceStudies on relationship between cultural condition and contents of phytochemicals in vegetables
Dr.Agr.MATSUYAMA, Nobuhiko(H)AgronomyPlant-soil interaction at low pH
Dr.Agr.KOMORI, Sadao(I)PomologyFruit tree breeding and development of breeding technology in apple
Dr.Agr.SHIMONO, Hiroyuki(I)Crop ScienceHigh crop productivity under a changing climate
Dr.Agr.TATSUZAWA, Fumi (I) Olericultural and Floricultural ScienceStudy of new color flower breeding
Dr.Agr.TSUKAZAKI, Hikaru(I)Plant BreedingGenetics inbreeding in vegetables
Dr.Agr.HATAKEYAMA, Katsunori (I) Plant Genetics and BreedingMolecular genetics and breeding studies on agronomic traits in crops
Dr.Agr.YUI, Susumu(I)HorticultureTheoretical and applied studies on vegetable horticulture and breeding
Dr.Agr.MATSUNAMI, Maya(I)Crop scienceRice production under low-input of fertilization and irrigation
Dr.Agr.WATANABE, Manabu(I)PomologyGrowth analysis and control of fruit trees
Dr.Agr.EGASHIRA, Hiroaki (Y)Plant ResourcesRevaluation and utilization of wild plants and localized crops traditionally used
Dr.Agr.SASANUMA, Tsuneo(Y)Plant Breeding and GeneticsPlant breeding and genetics on Triticeae species, safflower and other higher plants
Dr.Agr.TAIRA, Satoshi(Y)Fruit SciencePhysiology of fruit development, maturation, and utilization
Dr.Agr.MURAYAMA, Hideki(Y)Preservation ScienceStudies on preservation and postharvest physiology of agricultural crops
Dr.Agr.IKEDA, Kazuo(Y)Fruit Tree ScienceStudy of reproduction physiology in fruit tree
Dr.Agr.SASAKI, Yuka (Y)EdaphologyRice cultivation practice for sustainable agriculture
Dr.Sci.HOSHINO, Tomoki (Y) Crop BreedingGenetic and molecular analysis of genes with agricultural and economical values by genomics approaches and applied research on crop breeding
Dr.Sci.MIYAGI, Atsuko (Y) Postharvest Metabolomics and PhysiologyMetabolomic study for crop physiology

List of Professors Qualified as Associate Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Agr.TANAKA, Norimitsu (H)PomologyAnalysis of cultivation physiology and gene function in apple fruit development
Dr.Agr.HONDA, Kazushige(H)FloricultureOrnamental plats breeding and regulation of flowering, reproduction and conservation of wild plant species
Dr.Agr.SHINOTO, Yoshiya (I)Crop Science(Studies on labor-saving and stable cultivation of crops in crop rotation of paddy fields)
Dr.Agr. SHIMIZU, Motoki(I) Plant breedingGenetic breeding research on agriculturally important traits of crops
Dr.Agr.MATSUSHIMA, Uzuki(I)Environment Control in BiologyAgricultural applications of neutron and X-ray radiographies
Dr.Agr.MATSUNAMI, Toshinori(I)Crop scienceStudies on cultivation technique for the improvement of the crop productivity in upland field converted from paddy field
Dr. Agr.SHIBUYA, Tomoki (Y)Fruit scienceStudies on fruit development and quality
Dr. Agr.NABESHIMA, Tomoyuki (Y)HorticultureCrop protection in horticulture

Division : Animal Production

List of Professors Qualified as Major Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Agr.MATSUZAKI, Masatoshi(H)Animal Feeding1)Improvement of animal performance by nutritional manipulation in early life
2)Better utilization of unused biomass materials in animal feeding
Dr.Agr.KAWABATA, Fuminori(H)Physiology of Domestic AnimalsAnalyses of taste mechanism in domestic animals
Dr.Agr.FANG, Jiachen (H)Animal FeedingThe utilization of unused organic materials for animal feed
Dr.Agr.KITA, Kazumi(I)Animal NutritionNutritional regulation of protein turnover and growth factor
Dr.Agr.SAWAI, Ken(I)Animal ReproducionReproductive technology in domestic animal
Dr.Agr.TSUIKI, Mikinori(I)Conservation EcologyEnvironmental impact assessment of agriculture
Dr.Agr.DEGUCHI, Yoshitaka(I)Animal ManagementBehaviour and Management on Wildlife
Dr.Agr.TOUNO, Eiko (I)Forage ScienceStudies on forage conservation and evaluation
Dr.Agr.NISHIMUKAI, Megumi (I)Animal PhysiologyStudy on the physiological effect of functional phospholipids
Dr.Agr.MAKINO, Ryosuke (I)Animal NutritionStudies on nutrient metabolism in hyperglycemic animals
Dr.Agr.MURAMOTO, Takayuki(I)Animal Resources UtilizationPhysical and chemical characteristics and nondestructive evaluation of meat
Dr.Agr.URAKAWA, Shyuji (Y)Feed ScienceStudies on production and distribution of rice whole crop silage and rice grain
Dr.Agr.KIMURA, Naoko(Y)Animal Reproductive Biology,
Animal Biotechnology
1)Molecular reproduction and development in mammals
2)Sex control in animals
Dr.Agr.HORIGUCHI, Ken-ichi(Y)Animal ManagementStudy on cyclic domestic animal management system
Dr.Agr.MATSUYAMA, Hiroki (Y)Animal FeedingStudies on the animal feeding technology

List of Professors Qualified as Associate Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Med.HIRAI, Toshiaki (I)Reproductive biologyReproductive and developmental biology of aquatic organisms
Dr.Vet.HIRATA, Toh-ichi (I)Animal Reproduction, Livestock productionIn vitro bovine embryo production, Synchronization of estrus, Nursing of calf, Prevention of enzootic bovine leucosis, etc.

Division : Biological Ecology Control

List of Professors Qualified as Major Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Ryohei (H)
Molecular entomologyMolecular and physiological responses of insects to abiotic and biotic stimuli
Dr.Agr.TANAKA, Kazuaki(H)MycologyStudies on taxonomy and phylogeny of microfungi
Dr.Agr.TONOUCHI, Akio(H)Environmental MicrobiologyStudies of environmental microorganisms
Dr.Agr.ISOGAI, Masamichi(I)Plant PathologyBasic and applied research of plant viruses infecting fruit trees in cold districts
Dr.Agr.SAHARA, Ken(I)Applied Molecular EntomologyCytogenetical genome comparison in insect through fluorescene in situ hybridization mapping of orthologous genes
Dr.Agr.SUZUKI, Yuji(I)Plant Nutrition and PhysiologyMolecular physiology of photosynthesis in vascular plants
Dr.AgrTAKEDA, Takumi(I)Plant biochemistryFunctional analyses of proteins and genes during plant growth
Dr.Agr.KAKU, Nobuo(Y)Applied MicrobiologyAnalysis and application of microbial function
Dr.Agr.KOBAYASHI, Takashi (Y)PhytopathologyPlantdisease control using disease forecasting system
Ph.D.SATO, Satoru (Y)Animal EcologyFunction of organisms and ecosystem and its application to agricuture
Dr.Agr.TAWARAYA, Keitaro(Y)Plant Nutrition and Soil ScienceLow phosphorus tolerance of plant and utilization of mycorrhizal fungi
Dr.Agr.CHENG Weiguo(Y)Plant Nutrition and Soil ScienceStudies on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in plant-soil ecosystems with global change
Dr.Agr.HASE, Shu(Y)Plant PathologyStudy on biological control of plant diseases

List of Professors Qualified as Associate Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Sci.KANEKO, Yu(H)Insect PhysiologyMechanisms of programmed cell death at pupal metamorphosis
Dr.Agr.AN, Ying(I)Insect PhysiologyInsect biotechnology insect diapause
Dr.Agr.KONDO, Toru(I)Plant Pathology1) Virulence gene analysis of viruses in vegetables 2) Diagnosis and control of plant diseases
Dr.Phi.TATEISHI, Takahiro(I)Soil BiochemistryNutrient dynamics between plants and soils through microbial transformation
Dr.Agr.DEGUCHI, Shin (I)Soil ScienceEffect of cover crop on the nutrient uptake and growth of main crop
Dr.Agr.HIRAYAMA, Kazuyuki (I)Plant PathologyStudies on plant disease control and fungicide resistance
Dr.Agr.FUJISAKI, Koki(I)Plant PathologyBasic and applied study on the mechanism determining susceptibility and resistance against plant pathogens
Dr.Agr.YAEGASHI, Hajime (I)Plant PathologyStudies on pathogenicity of plant viruses