International Exchange
International Exchange Events
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #10
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 10th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: April 20, Wednesday, starting at 5:00pm (JST) (on zoom) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Yoshihito Shiono, Professor, Faculty […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #9
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 9th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: December 22, Wednesday, starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. M. Larry Lopez (ロペス ラリー) (UGAS-Yamagata […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #8
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 8th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: November 24, Wednesday, starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Prof. Masatoshi Matsuzaki(松崎 正敏)(UGAS-Hirosaki University) Improvement of […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #7
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 7th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: October 20, Wednesday, starting at 4:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Weiguo Cheng (程 為国) (UGAS-Yamagata University) […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #6
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 6th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: September 29, Wednesday, starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Masanori Watanabe (UGAS-Yamagata University) Development […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #5
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 5th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: August 25, Wednesday, starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Ken-ichi Kimura (UGAS-Iwate University) Chemical […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #4
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 4th seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Tongda Xu (Fujian Agriculture […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #3
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The 3rd seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Chunhong Yuan ,Iwate University […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #2
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The first seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: Monday, May 31, 2021 starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Dr. Michiko Sasabe, Hirosaki University […]
UGAS/Iwate University-FAFU Joint Seminar Series #1
Iwate University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China will hold an online Joint Seminar Series. The first seminar details are as follows. If you are interested in the Seminar, please join us. Date & Time: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 starting at 5:00pm (JST) Speakers and Titles: Ryuji Ishikawa, Hirosaki University Variation […]