Doctoral Student’s Lifestyle Profile

HOMEIntroductionDoctoral Student’s Lifestyle Profile

Valensi Kautsar


  • Major: Biological Ecology Control
  • Affiliated University: Yamagata University
  • Research Theme:Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in organic farming

Weekly Lifestyle Pattern

DayMorning (-12:00)Afternoon (-18:00)Nnight(18:00-)
MondayCampusCampusCall a family and rest
TuesdayCampusCampusCall a family and rest
WednesdayCampusCampusCall a family and rest
ThursdayCampusCampusCall a family and rest
FridayCampusCampusCall a family and rest
SaturdayPlaying sports or vacationPlaying sports or vacationCall a family and rest
SundayPlaying games or restPlaying games or restCall a family and rest

Monthly Income

Monthly Income Expenditure
Part time Job0 Yen Tuition Fee0 Yen
Mext Scholarship145,000 Yen Apartment rent 30,000 Yen
Food expenses 30,000 Yen
Other expenses 20,000 Yen
Total 145,000 Yen Total80,000 Yen

A message for the current students/juniors who are planning to enroll at Iwate UGAS

Please enjoy Japan in all its beauty, do your hobby, go sightseeing, make a balance between laboratory activities and your personal life, and do worship. With that, you will enjoy your life and find peace in your heart. You are a great person. This world needs your contribution. So please do your best, always have a plan for your life, always try hard and never give up.



  • Profile: Mongolia
  • Major: Bioresources Science
  • Affiliated University: Obihiro UAVM
  • Research Theme:Plant growth promoting bacteria

Weekly Lifestyle Pattern

DayMorning (-12:00)Afternoon (-18:00)Nnight(18:00-)
Monday At laboratoryResearch assistance At home
Tuesday At laboratory Research assistance At home
Wednesday At laboratory Research assistance At home
Thursday At laboratory At laboratory At home
Friday At laboratory At laboratory At home
Saturday At home At home At home
Sunday At home At home At home

Monthly Income

Monthly Income Expenditure
Part time Job 35,400 Yen Tuition Fee0Yen
Scholarship Yen Apartment rent 11,700 Yen
Private find 11,300 Yen Food expenses 20,000 Yen
Other expenses 15,000 Yen
 Total 46,700Yen Total46,700Yen

A message for the current students/juniors who are planning to enroll at Iwate UGAS

I recommend you to study at Iwate University for good study program and learning environment.



  • Major:  Plant Production
  • Affiliated University: Yamagata University
  • Research Theme: Comparison of soil fertility and the N, P and K balance in the paddy fields under conventional rice straw application versus cow dung compost application in mixed crop–livestock systems
  • Extra curriculum activity:Wild vegetables gathering, gardening, cooking, Karaoke

Weekly Lifestyle Pattern

DayMorning (-12:00)Afternoon (-18:00)Nnight(18:00-)
Monday Experiments and writing Experiments and writingCooking, watching TV
Tuesday Experiments and writing Experiments and writing Cooking, watching TV
Wednesday Experiments and writing Experiments and writing Cooking, watching TV
Thursday Experiments and writing Experiments and writing Cooking, watching TV
Friday Experiments and writing Experiments and writing Cooking, watching TV
Saturday writing writing Cooking, watching TV
SundayHouse cleaning Shopping Cooking, watching TV

Monthly Income

Monthly Income Expenditure
Part time Job (D1,2) 50,000 Yen Tuition Fee 0 Yen/ 13,000 yen(D3-2S)
Part time Job (D3) 35,000 Yen Apartment rent 25,000 Yen
Scholarship (D1,2) 30,000 Yen Food expenses 20,000 Yen
Scholarship (D3) 140,000 Yen Other expenses 35,000 Yen
Total (D1,2) 80,000 Yen
 Total(D3) 175,000Yen Total 80,000 Yen/ 93,000 Yen (D3-2S)

A message for the current students/juniors who are planning to enroll at Iwate UGAS

PhD study is long and hard journey. To finish this journey, you must work hard and think hard. But, at the same time, you have to keep your health in good conditions and your mind refresh during the journey.

Hoang Si Thinh


  • Major: Rural Resource Economics
  • Affiliated University: Hirosaki University
  • Research Theme: Geographical Indication, Agricultural Marketing

Weekly Lifestyle Pattern

DayMorning (-12:00)Afternoon (-18:00)Nnight(18:00-)
MondayFacebook, TED talk, Reading Harvard Business Review, Brainstorming Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism
Tuesday Facebook, TED talk, Reading Harvard Business Review, Brainstorming Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism
Wednesday Facebook, TED talk, Reading Harvard Business Review, Brainstorming Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism
Thursday Facebook, TED talk, Reading Harvard Business Review, Brainstorming Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism
Friday Facebook, TED talk, Reading Harvard Business Review, Brainstorming Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism Cooking, watching TV
Saturday Going around, friend and family Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism
Sunday Going around, friend and family Reading academic papers, strictly committing to research works Running, Playing soccer, Singing, Watching movies or Reading Book, Practicing Buddhism

Monthly Income

Monthly Income Expenditure
Part time Job 35,000 Yen Tuition Fee yen
Scholarship120,000 Yen Apartment rent35,000 Yen
Food expenses 90,000 Yen
Other expenses 30,000 Yen
 Total175,000Yen Total 155,000 Yen

A message for the current students/juniors who are planning to enroll at Iwate UGAS

Find your love; listen to TED talk, read Harvard Business Review to initiate new ideas; practice Buddhism to make you stronger, peaceful, more perseverant and concentrated

Samanthi Wathsala Pelpolage


  • Major: Bioresources Science
  • Affiliated University: Obihiro University
  • Research Theme: Health functionality of agricultural products and agricultural by-products
  • Extra curriculum activity :volunteer speaker at local organizations (Rotary, Tokachi International Relations Center)

Monthly Income

Monthly Income Expenditure
Part time Job 0 Yen Tuition Fee yen
Scholarship146,000 Yen Apartment rent40,000 Yen
Food expenses 30,000 Yen
Other expenses 60,000 Yen
Residual 10,000 Yen
 Total146,000Yen Total 140,000 Yen

A message for the current students/juniors who are planning to enroll at Iwate UGAS

Be well-prepared with the background knowledge, start early, be vigilant, analyze results soon after finishing
experiments, start writing early as possible, keep short- and long-term goals for your research work and
achieve them no matter how, use the opportunities wisely!