Specialty : Bioresources Science

HOMEIntroduction to our professorsSpecialty : Bioresources Science

Division : Biomolecular Function

List of Professors Qualified as Major Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Sci.USHIDA, Chisato(H)Molecular BiologyFunctional RNomics. Function and structure of ncRNAs
Dr.Agr.KURITA, Daisuke(H)BiochemistryMolecular mechanism of ribosome rescue system
Dr.Agr.SAKAMOTO, Kimitoshi(H)BiochemistryAnalysis of energy metabolism founded on redox enzymes
Dr.Agr.SONOKI,Tomonori(H) Applied MicrobiologyCharacterization and application of microbial function for sustainable production of chemicals
Dr.Sci.TAKADA, Noboru(H)Natural Products ChemistryIssolation, Synthesis, and Molecular Mechanism Studies for Natural Products
Dr.Sci.HASHIMOTO, Masaru(H)Natural Product ChemistryStudy of natural product chemistry employing organic synthesis
Dr.Agr.HAMADA, Shigeki (H)EnzymologyAnalytical and applied studies on metabolic production mechanisms in plant and microbe
Dr.Sci.HIMENO, Hyouta(H)Biochemistry, Molecular BiologyStructure and function of RNA, Morecular mechanism of the translation system
Dr. Med.MORITA, Eiji (H)Cell biologyMolecular mechanisms of viral replication organelle biogenesis
Dr.Agr.YOSHIDA, Takashi(H)EnzymologyMolecular analysis and application of enzymes acting on carbohydrates
Dr.Agr.KIMURA, Ken-ichi(I)Chemical BiologyChemical and biological study on bioprobes derived from natural resources
Dr.AgrNISHIYAMA, Ken-ichi(I)Biomembrane BiogenesisMolecular mechanisms underlying protein transport across biomembranes
Dr.Agr.MIYAZAKI Masao(I)BiochemistryResearch on olfactory systems controlling innate behavior in mammals
Dr.Agr.YAMASHITA,Tetsuro(I) BiochemistryBiochemistry of enzymes in animal cells
Dr.Eng.YAMADA,Miwa(I)Applied MicrobiologyMicrobial production of useful materials by metabolic and enzymatic engineering
Dr.Agr.ABOSHI, Takako (Y)Bioorganic chemistryResearches on chemical substances regulating the interaction between plants and insects
Dr.Agr.KOSEKI, Takuya(Y)Applied EnzymologyFunctional analysis and applied studies on plant cell wall-degrading enzymes
Dr.Agr.SHIONO, Yoshihito(Y)Natural Products ChemistryStudies on bioactive natural products from untapped fungi
Dr.Agr.MURAYAMA, Tetsuya(Y)Bioorganic ChemistryChemical studies on the important substance contained in Plants

List of Professors Qualified as Associate Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Agr.HATTORI, Satoshi (Y)Microbial Resource UtilizationExploration and utilization of yet-to-be cultured microorganisms

Division : Cellular Genomics

List of Professors Qualified as Major Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Eng. KASHIWAGI,Akiko(H)Experimental EvolutionExperimental evolutionary studies on RNA bacteriophage
Dr.Sci.KURO-O(KATAKURA), Masaki(H)Molecular CytogeneticsAnalyses of genetic diversities in vertebrates
Dr.Sci.KOBAYASHI, Kazuya(H)Developmental & Reproductive BiologySwitching mechanism of reproductive modes in planarians
Ph.D.SASABE, Michiko(H)Plant cell biologyMolecular mechanisms regulating plant cell division and cell differentiation
Dr.Sci.NISHINO, Atsuo(H)Animal PhysiologyMolecular physiology on the regulation of locomotion in marine invertebrates
Dr. Sci.YOKOYAMA, Hiroshi (H)Developmental and Regenerative BiologyOrgan-level regeneration in vertebrates, especially in amhibians
Dr.Agr.ABE, Akira (I) Plant Genetics and BreedingTheoretical and applied studies on plant genetics and breeding
M.D.ITO, Kikukatsu(I)System BiologyThermoregulation in plants
Dr.Life Sci.KAWAHARADA, Yasuyuki(I)Plant-Microbe InteractionsStudies on the interaction of legume plant and soil microbes
Dr.Phi.KAWAMURA, Yukio(I)Plant PhysiologyResponses of plants to low temperature stresses
Ph.D. RAHMAN, Abidur(I)Plant Molecular PhysiologyMolecular regulation of plant hormones during growth and development
Dr.Agr.TOYOMASU, Tomonobu(Y)Molecular and Cellular BiochemistryStudies on terpenoid biosynthetic enzymes

List of Professors Qualified as Associate Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Agr.OHKAWA, Hiroshi(H)Molecular Plant PhysiologyFundamental and applied studies on molecular physiology in photosynthetic organisms
Ph.D.FUJII, Sho (H)Plant physiologyPhysiological and biomolecular studies on reguratory mechanism of plastid differentiation in plants
Ph.D.YOSHIDA, Wataru(H) Developmental BiologyMolecular mechanism of morphogenesis and organogenesis in invertebrate
Dr.Agr.SAITOH, Yasushi (I) Molecular Cell BiologyCell proliferation control under different environmental conditions
Ph.D.NEMOTO, Keiichirou (I)BiochemistrySignal transduction networks in plants
Ph.D.HATANO, Mari (I)Plant physiologyResponses of plants to low temperature and water stresses

Division : Food Science

List of Professors Qualified as Major Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Dr.Agr.IWAI, Kunihisa (H)Food Functional ScienceStudy on physiological function and ingredients in regional food materials, and pharmacokinetics of polyphenois
Food PreservationPhase Transitions in Foods
Dr.Fis.SATO, Yukinori (H) Food Materials Science and TechnologyFood Materials Science and Technology
Dr.Agr.NAKAI, Yuji (H) Biological response to foodStudy on biological modulation mechanisms by foods
Dr.Fis.NAKAJIMA, Akira (H) Food PharmacologyPharmacology and toxicology of chemicals in food
Dr.Fis.NISHIZUKA, Makoto (H)Molecular Biology, Food ScienceMolecular mechanisms of adipocyte differentiation and cancer metastasis
Dr.Fis.MAEDA, Hayato(H)Food ChemistryScreening of food and drug stuffs preventig common diseases and its application
Dr.Pharm.YASUKAWA, Akemi (H) Life scienceUtilization of food wastes as dyeing materials
Dr.Agr.ITO, Yoshiaki(I)Nutritional ChemistryRegulation of glucose and lipid metabolisms by food
Dr.Agr.ORIKASA, Takahiro(I)Postharvest TechnologyVariability analysis of physicochemical property for processing technology of agricultural products
Dr.Agr. KOIDE, Shoji(I)Postharvest TechnologyDevelopment of new technology for processing and storage of agricultural products
Dr.Agr.MIURA, Makoto(I)Food Chemical EngineeringTheoretical and applied studies on food processing, preservation and quality evaluation
Dr.Med.MITSUI, Takahiro (I)Dietary ScienceNitrate metabolism in the intestine
Regional difference in dietary habit and health index
Dr.Sci.YANO,Akira (I) Research of health functions of foodsBasic research of food materials for the health promotion, directed to the development of functional foods
Dr.Fis.Sci.YUAN, Chunhong (I)Fisheries food ScienceTheoretical and applied studies on seafood processing and storage ofr high quality and value-added seafood products
Dr.Agr.KANOH, Naomi (Y)Functional Food ScienceStudies on health promoting effects of food constituents
Dr.Agr.Kobayashi, Sho (Y)Food and Nutritional ScienceBasic research and its application on the antioxidant defense systems against oxidative stress
Dr.Agr.NAGAI, Takeshi(Y)Food ProcessingStudies on the development of efficient use and processing technology for food resources
Dr.Eng.WATANABE, Masanori(Y) Biomass and microbial resource utilizationDevelopment of biorefinery technology of agricultural residues for energy production

List of Professors Qualified as Associate Advisors

Name (affiliation)Research Field
Animal Food TechnologyApplication of lacticacid bacteria for dairy products
Dr.Agr.UESUGI, Shota (I)Food Functional ScienceStudy on the chemical and biological characteristics of functional components contained in regional food ingredients
Dr.Eng.KASAI, Yutaka (I)Polymer chemistryDevelopment of functional materials using bioresources
BiotechnologyBiotechnology related fermented food