Message from the Dean to current and prospective students

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Message from the Dean to current and prospective students

Iwate University United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences is a universal platform, in other words, a Graduate University with agricultural background that is an academic institution covering all areas related to human survival such as food, life, resources, and environment. Our main purpose is to train and guide the graduate students with a wealth of professional knowledge, good communication skills and furthermore, capability to execute their skills and expertise. Currently, 104 students are under the guidance of more than 267 professors and are engaged in research for doctoral acquisition at three constituent university campuses (Hirosaki University, Iwate University and Yamagata University).

Currently, the conditions of food, environment, natural resources and energy linked to humanity are extremely alarming. Therefore, it is our duty to improve the situation as much as possible and build a sustainable society on a global level. On September 2015, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were approved at the UN Summit, where 17 goals and 169 targets were set for achieving a sustainable world with a promise of “leave no one behind” slogan. Among these 17 goals, numerous goals are related to agriculture. In order to improve the severe situation and to encourage new leaders who will lead the society toward achievement of SDGs, in this graduate school, we have built an excellent curriculum that can cultivate the abilities of the students to solve problems at both global and local issues in this world.

The Iwate University Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences aims to make and support those graduate students who have a clear awareness of current issues, have creative ideas and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society with a global perspective.